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Skater Spotlight – Seth Who?

Seth Who?, coach of the Varsity Brawlers


LADD: The Varsity Brawlers are the only home team without a championship banner.  This year, the team is undefeated and on a mission.  Did the team do anything differently this year to get to this point?

SW: We actually took our strategies from years past and tweaked them a bit. But more than that, VB has put in a lot of extra training hours so they can be more cohesive on the track. And it shows.


LADD: How did you become involved with coaching the Varsity Brawlers and the LA Derby Dolls league?

SW: This is kind of a long story. The first LADD game I attended was Champs 2008, Tough Cookies vs. Sirens. I was instantly hooked and soon after I joined the RaD Dept. A few years later (mid-2012), during one of our many derby/derby rules conversations, my friend, Laci Knight, who was co-captain of VB at the time, suggested I come to one of their practices. I initially declined but about a month later, they had a spot open on their bench staff and I've been there ever since.


LADD: What is the RaD department?

SW: RaD is our in-house audio/video group. We film every game, run house audio and projectors. Members also shoot/edit those great opening videos that are shown before every game, and when there's time, shoot/edit promos for upcoming games.


LADD: Did you have any coaching experience prior to LADD?

SW: No, I never coached prior to LADD. However, I do pick up sports and their concepts relatively quickly.


LADD: People have compared roller derby to being a running back in football.  Do you see much similarity between the sports?  Have you taken anything from watching football that you have used in roller derby?

SW: I can see the comparison of jammers to running backs as blockers in both sports try to create holes/spaces for them to maneuver through. But that's where the comparison ends. Playing roller derby, unlike the majority of sports, skaters have to play both defense and offense at the same time. 


LADD: Who are some of the people who have influenced your style of coaching?  Did you have a mentor?

SW: I was never mentored; it was more trial by fire. I try not to be like just one type of coach. I've read coaching practices/theories from everyone from Gregg Poppovich to Bill Belichick to Pat Summit. I just try to gleam the best aspects. I even read a study on what's the most effective technique to motivate players. There's some great literature out there!


LADD: What would you recommend reading for someone aspiring to learn the fundamentals of coaching?

SW: Sports Psychology for Dummies. No, no… I'm kidding.  Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson is a pretty good read.


LADD: Earlier this year, VB handed the defending champion Sirens their first loss of the year.  How much confidence did that victory give to the team?

SW: We went into that game having won our first two games so our confidence was already pretty high. But the Sirens hadn't lost (I believe) in over a year. They have a very good team and we knew it was going to be hard fought. We were very happy to win.


LADD: What other groups/committees have you volunteered with inside the league outside of coaching the Varsity Brawlers?

SW: I've been a member of our RaD Dept. since I started. Doing everything from making promos to running house sound during bouts. Earlier this year, I was voted onto LADD's first Board of Directors.  I also joined the Internal Rules Committee. 


LADD: Describe what goes on at a Rules Committee meeting.  Are there certain goals the committee is trying to achieve (a direction they want to see the sport go)?

SW: On the Rules Committee, members discuss rules/wording of rules to tighten up gameplay and close potential loopholes.  Suggestions that are passed are then taken by our league RDCL (Roller Derby Coalition of Leagues) Rep. to the RDCL Committee, where rule changes are voted on by all RDCL leagues.


LADD: Tell us a secret about yourself that few people know.

SW: I've stolen at least one item in all the countries I've visited. I'm an international thief!


LADD: Oh?! What are some of your more memorable heists?

SW: Oh no. I've already said too much...


LADD: Are you a fan of other sports?  If so, what teams do you root for?

SW: I'm a huge football fan, rooting for The Ohio State University and the New England Patriots. But I follow all other Boston sports teams as well (Sox, B's, C's)


LADD: Did you grow up in Boston?  If so, what do you miss most about it while living on the west coast?

SW: No, I grew up in Southeast MA (about an hour away from Boston). Strangely enough, I do miss the cycle of the seasons. But only sometimes.


LADD: What keeps you up at night?

SW: Mild insomnia… and spiders.


LADD: Do you have a game day routine/superstitions before a bout?

SW: I try to wear the exact some clothes on bout days. And yes, everything gets washed.


LADD: What was the last book you read?

SW: Not Taco Bell Material by Adam Carolla


LADD: How much time does coaching take in an average week?

SW: It's anywhere between 3-6 hours a week. We only have 2 hours together (private practice/scrimmage) as a team a week.  So most of my "coaching time" is spent away from the track. I re-watch a lot of game footage and comb through stats to pinpoint what elements of our game have improved and what we need to work on. I think it's helped VB stay focused and motivated.


LADD: If VB wins their first championship this year, how will the team celebrate that accomplishment?

SW: We're not thinking about that type of thing. Have to win the game first.

LADD: How long has VB been around and how many people currently on the team were there since day 1?

SW: You know, I'm not sure... Maybe 6 or 7 seasons? No one on this team has been there since Day 1. 


LADD:  Are you noticing support from people who are not normally VB fans this year?  People like rooting for the underdog, and there must be a lot of people pulling for the team to win its first championship.

SW: I am noticing more purple in the stands and cheering for VB this year whether they would normally cheer for us or not. And it's that perception, that the Varsity Brawlers are underdogs, that will make us work hard all the way to the championship.

LADD: Your opponent in Champs this year is the Sirens, the defending champions who took you to the limit earlier this year.  How would you size up that team's strengths and what can people expect in the final game of the year?

SW: The Sirens are an excellent, well-disciplined team and don't make many mistakes.  But we've been fortunate enough to capitalize on the few that have been made.  I expect this game to be fast, have solid blocking, and be a real nail bitter.