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L.A. Derby Dolls Skate "Secret Saturday" Bout for Couples Against Leukemia

Photo by Stalkerazzi

On Saturday, May 15th, the L.A. Derby Dolls skated a special "Secret Saturday" game for charity.  Each year, Couples Against Leukemia sells tickets to a premiere "Secret Saturday" event, where guests are loaded onto buses and taken to exciting new places they have never seen in Los Angeles.  The first stop this year was the Doll Factory, where LA's newest skaters, who you can see in action at the all-ages Baby Doll Brawl on June 13th, put on a great exhibition bout!  The crowd was thrilled- many had never seen live derby before.  LADD is honored to be a part of CAL, who has raised million of dollars for Leukemia research.