19 June 2012 - LA Derby Dolls 4th Annual Health and Job Fair
On August 25, 2012, the LA Derby Dolls will host their fouth annual Community Resource Fair, this time in the form of both a Job and Health Fair in partnership with St. Vincent’s Hospital and Los Angeles City Council President, Eric Garcetti’s office.
The Community Resource Fair serves hundreds of community members near the Doll Factory in Historic Filipinotown. Resources offered will include cholesterol checks, eye exams by UCLA's Jules Stein Eye Institute, self-defence and yoga workshops for all levels, free mammograms, a bloodmobile, bone marrow match, various social services, and employment recruitment from the L.A. Sheriff's Department, the L.A. Fire Department, and many more!
The mammograms are free and offered to only those individuals who meet the following requirements:
- 40 years of age or older
- Must live in Los Angeles County
- The individual's last mammogram must have been taken place at least twelve (12 months) or more ago and the test result must have been negative
- The individual must not have any medical insurance
Blood donors must meet the following requirements to sign up:
- At least 16 years of age (with a signed parental consent form) or older
- Must be able to present a valid form of I.D. (picture and legal name) at the time of the blood drive.
- No tattoos in the last 12 months. Piercings are okay as long as they were done at a professional shop
- In good health
Interested individuals for either the free mammogram or donating blood, please send your name, contact information and service that you are interested in to communityservice@derbydolls.com.