Entries by Judy Gloom (20)


Losanjealous.com: LA Derby Dolls Championship Bout

Photo by Stalkerazzi F/8.Yea, Lords and Ladies of the merrie village of Los Angeles! Let the Bard DF tell you a tale! Tis a tale of brave wheeled damsels who wage battle at yon Doll Factory. Hardy of spirit and fleet of skate, these ladies circumnavigate ye olde banked track, laughing the face of Dame Fortune (and her irascible cousin, Lady Brokenleg, who DF found to be a real bitch) in search of glory, fame, and sweet, sweet victory. Read on, and you shall hear the story of a bout so scintillating that ‘twould cause even the stoutest knight to defecate in his suit of armor, and the veil of the daintiest maiden to burst into flames and reduce her to a naught but a heap of ash.

(full story here)


DNN: LADD Tough Cookies Take CA Banked Title

Photo by Stalkerazzi F/8.LOS ANGELES, CA - The LA Derby Dolls Tough Cookies led the San Diego Derby Dolls Swarm from the first whistle and through most of the game to take the first co-league Derby Dolls Championship, 107-91.

Video of this game can be viewed on the Derby Dolls justin.tv channel.

Less than a month ago, the SDDD Swarm and LADD Tough Cookies met, both with 3-0 records. While the Cookies came within 6 points with two minutes left in the game, the Swarm prevailed with a final score of 94-79, leaving them undefeated with a 4-0 record and the Cookies with 3-1.  There were six ejections in that game, two of them members of the Swarm.

(full article here)

Unofficial game stats: 

Tough Cookies: Stefcon 1 was the top jammer with 47 points in 12 jams with a 3.91 points per jam average and a +40 differential; Laguna Beyatch had 28 points in 11 jams, 2.54 PPJ and a +2 differential; Sniperella pulled 16 points, 5.30 PPJ and a +8 differential, and Gori Spelling had 12 points in 7 jams, 1.71 PPJ and a -11 differential.

The Swarm: Sarkastika led with 34 points in 12 jams, 2.83 ppj, and a +16 differential; Kiki Diazz earned 29 points in 10 jams with 2.90 PPJ and a +14 differential; Trish The Dish scored 21 points in 5 jams while getting a 4.20 PPJ and a +16 differential.


LAist: Tough Cookies 2009 Champs

The Los Angeles Derby Dolls' Tough Cookies became two-time champions on Saturday night when they challenged the previously-undefeated Swarm at the packed Doll Factory. Final score: Cookies 107 - Swarm 91.

Photo by Mike Zampelli.(Full article and photo gallery here)


Help the Dolls Help the Hungry on 12/5

While the Swarm and Tough Cookies battle for the championship this Saturday, you can help your favorite team win a fierce off-track competition.  Bring a can of food (or 20!) and place them in your team's collection bank.  Vote as many times as you like, and the winning team will be announced. More importantly, you'll be helping the Dolls feed the hungry this holiday season, which is a victory for everyone. Donations will benefit MEND Food Bank.


L.A. Times: Derby Dolls setting the fashion pace

At a recent sold-out roller bout, almost 2,000 Angelenos rallied with beer and high spirits to support their favorite Derby Dolls teams. A long-haired, newbie attendee stood in awe of a skater zipping by.

It wasn't just the skater's athletic prowess that was enviable . . . it was her sporty fishnets and hot-pants "boutfit."

"I want to try it, just to see what I would look like in the outfit," new fan Cassandra McGrath, a 24-year-old teacher, said wistfully.

Photo by Stalkerazzi F/8.

(read full story)

(photo gallery)