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Derby Doll Bout Preview: The Swarm, SD @ The Sirens, LA | San Francisco Examiner

The Swarm huddling up to discuss strategy. Photo by Charlie ShutterThug Chu

The second of half of the 2009 season is well under way for the San Diego Derby Dolls (SDDD), San Diego’s banked and flat track roller derby league.  This Saturday, September 12, SDDD’s banked track team, The Swarm, will travel to Los Angeles to take on one of their sister league’s teams, the Los Angeles Derby Dolls’ (LADD) The Sirens.

This will be the third time this season SD has traveled to LA to play an LADD team, but the first time The Swarm will go up against The Sirens.  Both teams would like to claim the title of 2009 Champions of the Doll Factory, and both teams are equally favored, in their own way, to make it to the championship game in December. 

(full article)