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Help the Derby Dolls | American NonFiction

"There are no two ways about it, the Roller Derby is far better than ANF. If one was to make the equation biased on fishnets alone, the derby wins every time. To be fair, ANF never had a chance with the face of Wesley against an opposition of roller skate clad vixens who hone their ability to unleash their rage. The woman of the Roller Derby are the new face of the subversive culture in a way ANF could never be. Like Football for America, the Roller Derby is our game, the face of the common man, as boxers once came from the docks, our roller girls come from a childhood of slanted equality. They are not highly paid prima donnas sat atop a cash tidal wave but a ground swell of 3 cord grass roots.

No other roller derby organization better defines the elements of grass roots and the ethos of D.I.Y., than the L.A. Derby Dolls. Denizens of the TMZ are lucky to have a plethora of Roller Derbies at their disposal and the cream of our crop lays in our local squad of rolling mavericks known as the L.A. Derby Dolls. 120 girls, 5 teams, and an elevated track. In these ranks Los Angelenos have a world class, championship winning, squad of roller girls and, last year, they proved it."

(full story)